Angie D.Comer

about the author

Three years ago, Angie was traveling home from a Christmas visit in New Orleans with her partner. She was the bored passenger in a cramped up Miata, when she pulled up the notes app on her iPhone. She began writing what was on her mind as they traveled along the highway for a six hour drive. That day she wrote the third chapter of her book, although at the time she didn’t know it would be her third chapter … or anything else for that matter. After arriving home, life happened, Angie got busy with work and forgot about the note.

A few weeks later she was looking in her notes for something else, when she came across “the note” and began reading. She didn’t realize it was what she had written at first, as she read she assumed it was something she had copied and pasted. Angie was more than half way through “the note” when she realized it was what she had written. Angie was shocked and surprised, it was good. Real good and she thought “I wrote that”?

For so many years Angie has ignored this story, and others that run through her crazy brain. She feels like it is fear that held her back, worried that she didn’t have enough time or talent to write, much-less complete a book. Maybe both? Probably both.

Angie realized then that the story should, at the very least, be written down. That’s when she began her writing journey.

Over the next three years, Angie pored her thoughts out onto paper, researching hiring editors and proofreaders, then decided to pull the trigger to self publish. The self publishing part itself was pretty easy, but the marketing, and getting her book out to the masses, well that’s a different story.

In this story, Some Must Die, Angie hopes to challenge readers to open their minds, think critically, and embark on a transformative journey.


This book encapsulates the essence of storytelling. I felt like I was reading about the adventures of someone I admire and trust, yet have never met. Every chapter was a beautifully written story of an exciting adventure with a positive twist on some of the more negative subjects in this world. You’ll get to experience the enchantment of living in a mystical cave under a waterfall. You’ll also finally get to take that state-to-state road trip with those closest to you, admiring the rich culture that encompasses the USA. In Angie D. Comer’s “Some Must Die” you’ll take a deep dive into marvelous adventure, perilous survival, absolute mystery and even…revenge. I can’t wait to read her next book!!!

The story is everything you want it to be- thrilling, terrifying, and deep. But I was so impressed with the writing itself that it made me finish the book in one sitting – I couldn’t put it down

From the first chapter, this book grabs your attention and doesn’t let it go.

This novel excels in creating a palpable atmosphere of tension and uncertainty. It engages the reader with its detailed character development and the vivid portrayal of settings. More please!

An interesting and compelling read, this books fast moving plot delves into complex moral dilemmas, making it impossible to put down until the very end. While the title may seem strong, it perfectly mirrors the dark yet captivating essence of the story.

This is a great novel anyone who likes mystery and suspense. The author does a wonderful job of captivating your attentions as the characters evolve over the years. This is a page turner as you will always be anxious to find out what happens next! I look forward to her second novel.

What a great read, it was definitely hard to put down. Great insight into the characters’ lives, survival skills, and how identities are built based on your past, present, and the people you are surrounded with. This book addresses some hard, but important societal issues, and raises questions about what is good and evil.

I absolutely loved this book. It was presented in a unique style – all the characters had their own chapters to tell their story. The theme of this book is challenging but it was told in a way that made hard to put this book down. The author has included discussion points at the conclusion of the book. I look forward to further works from this author.

This book was sooo good. Each chapter left you wanting to know more so I just kept reading. The author did a great job with the words that I felt all of the emotions. It was so great I had to pause and think for a second. Life can be interesting with the battle between good and evil. The author definitely makes you wonder who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

This book was a great read! I had a difficult time putting it down and I’m not generally a big reader. The book weaves through all sorts of moral issues and you find yourself questioning if you would do the same as some of the characters. Can’t wait to read the author’s next.

Bought the book for my wife and ended up reading it. Worth every penny. An amazing thriller. Will recommend book any giving day.

Diving into “Some Must Die” was an intense, thought-provoking experience that took me on a roller coaster of emotions and moral dilemmas. The story of Leslie, thrust into a world of fear and uncertainty, resonated deeply with me, as it explored the thin line between right and wrong, good and bad. The narrative was gripping, filled with suspense and unexpected twists that constantly challenged my perceptions of justice and revenge. The portrayal of Leslie’s inner turmoil and her battle to escape the clutches of a dark reality was both compelling and heart-wrenching. The book’s exploration of moral questions, especially in the face of dire circumstances, left me pondering my own choices and beliefs. It’s a story that not only entertains but also invites deep reflection on the complexities of human nature and the decisions we make. The unconventional family dynamics, combined with their fight for survival, added a unique layer to the story, making it all the more intriguing. “Some Must Die” is more than just a tale of suspense; it’s a journey through the depths of morality, love, and resilience, leaving a lasting impression long after the final page.

Do not start this book until you have time to read it completely! You will not be able to put it down until you have finished! Great book, a little dark but in an ok kind of way. A must read that will take you on a journey that you will not soon forget. Well written with twist and turns you cannot Predict. Perfect for these cold winter days and nights

I read quickly from cover to cover. The author opened my eyes to some key thoughts on challenging subject matter. Highly recommend!

So well done! An absolutely riveting read!! A baseline of what is a horrific common thread with each individual’s unique story so artfully woven into a common bond. The grit of real life. The hope that can be delivered and sustained captivates throughout! Well Done!!

I HIGHLY recommend this book. I could not put it down and read cover to cover in a few days! I cannot wait for the authors next book!

The author masterfully crafts a story that is both intensely personal and universally relatable, as Leslie battles not just external forces but also her internal demons. The narrative is skillfully woven, maintaining a perfect balance between suspense and character development. The strength of the book lies in its ability to keep readers on the edge of their seats, with its dark, atmospheric setting and a plot that twists and turns with every chapter. “Some Must Die” is a compelling read, perfect for those who love thrillers that challenge the boundaries of right and wrong.

The author masterfully crafts a story that is both intensely personal and universally relatable, as Leslie battles not just external forces but also her internal demons. The narrative is skillfully woven, maintaining a perfect balance between suspense and character development. The strength of the book lies in its ability to keep readers on the edge of their seats, with its dark, atmospheric setting and a plot that twists and turns with every chapter. “Some Must Die” is a compelling read, perfect for those who love thrillers that challenge the boundaries of right and wrong.

A riveting read. The rich descriptive language and turn of phrase will immerse you in the unfolding drama of this tale of survival. It will keep you second-guessing who is good and who is bad right to the end. A real page-turner for sure. If you like the kind of read that has your mind racing ahead to try and unravel the enigma you will love this book.

This is an incredibly powerful story, with a gripping plot and exquisite writing style. The narrative keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end, prompting contemplation on various philosophical questions, as well as matters of morality and honor when life is at stake.

This book doesn’t disappoint. What begins as a crime story spans decades and ends in a dystopian nightmare. It’s a dark tale but not without hope and redemption. The characters are vivid and well developed. A few parts of the book are graphic, but the plot moves at a good pace and keeps the reader engaged so I didn’t want to put the book down. I think you will be impressed with this author’s first book and look forward to more.

In recent months I have grown tired of widely published authors who stick to the plot formula, style, length and predictability. This author and book do none of those things. I found the story unique, engaging, captivating and interesting. It was hard to put down because it was different and I was fascinated in the progress of the plot and that I couldn’t anticipate the resolution. You can’t read this story without questioning your own morality and wondering who the “Good” and “Bad” guys really are! It will make you think, it will make you hurt and it will make you evaluate your own story. I look forward to Angie’s next book, you’ll be fascinated and asking yourself questions after reading this one!

This book had me engaged and intrigued from the very first page. To sum up, it’s well-written and thought-provoking.

There were so many intriguing elements to this book. It was a Robinhood-style crime thriller that took an unexpected turn into realistic sci-fi. It was unconventional and absolutely captivating from start to finish. I’d love to read more from this author.

An absolutely riveting read! The book skillfully weaves a horrific common thread with unique individual stories, forming a powerful bond. The grit of real life, coupled with sustained hope, captivates from start to finish. Well done! I really didn’t expect the ending.

Some must die, is a roller coaster ride of emotions and moral dilemmas, that gets you thinking about your own choices in life. In a web of deception, this family finds that survival is the only way to expose the truth.

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